Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation CSV Gem
- Reading from the file
- Writing in the file
- Open the file
- Close the file
Generating a CSV file in the most recent version of Ruby on Rails is essential because most SASS businesses want the most recent data to upload or download in order to obtain the most up-to-date scenario. CSV stands for Comma Seperated Values in Rows. It essentially produces a table structure with a header and values. In csv, each row is separated from previous lines by a new line '\n'. On the row level, each value is separated by ',' (traditionally); we can customize this with an uncommon set of symbols, allowing each value in the row to be separated and distinguished independently.
Installation CSV Gem
To install CSV gem in the system, you need to add gem in the Gemfile.
gem 'csv', '~> 3.0'
Or if you use bash to install csv version.
gem install csv -v 3.0.0
Reading from the file
We can directly read each line one by one using foreach method of CSV class, we just need to pass the path of the csv file.
require "csv"
CSV.foreach("infosia/exect_folder/smart.csv") do |row|
# Printing line
puts row
If we want to parse the headers and identify the row value using header values.
require "csv"
CSV.foreach("infosia/exect_folder/smart.csv", headers: true) do |row|
puts row['first_name']
Writing in the file
For writing in the file, we need to open the file in write mode, we have to first push the header row then we can loop through the data and push the array into csv file.
require "csv"
file_name = "infosiatech.csv"
headers = [ "Email", "First Name", "Last Name", "Name" ]
csv =, "w")
csv << headers
[{"email": '', 'first_name': 'ABC', 'last_name': 'XYZ', 'name': 'test'}].each do |contact|
csv << [ contact["email"], contact["first_name"], contact["last_name"], contact["name"] ]
Open the file
Using CSV gem, we have to open the file, below systex
# Opens the infosiatech file in write mode.
csv ='infosiatech.csv', 'w')
we can use the open method of CSV class, which takes 2 parameters file name and open mode. open mode is utilize to optimize the performance while
Close the file
csv ='infosiatech.csv', 'w')
to check, it is closed or not, we can use the closed method.
# return true or false
It is important to close the file, because ruby has to free up memory which is consumed by CSV can be large enough to hang the system. It is prescribed to close the file manually, ruby can handle the actions efficiently.